domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

The last reflection...

Since 2009 I have made a change in my level of English and I’m sure that I went through an improvement which is reflected on my level of writing. I can realize that in my compositions: if I compare the first composition (1st) to the last composition (5th) I have learnt lots of linking words which helped me to make my writings easier to read. I also used some locutions which made easier add some related ideas on the text.

I think that my oral level of English had been improved because I could see it on my last Oral presentation which was about a topic which I was really interested. I realized that when I was really interested on my topic, I was explaining it with different intonation which helped me to attract the people’s attention, and it was really gratifying for me to know that they were understanding me. I can compare the first Oral presentation, which was really boring and the people only could understand my text for the images… In the last one I had experienced that people was interested on the explanation because the images attract their attention and they wanted to know what I was talking about…

The posts helped me a lot to abstract my ideas and what I think about things which turn over my mind and EXPRESS it on the paper, to structure my ideas on a composition and reflect what I think about things which I really feel and I learn lots of words which I have never seen, and also it help me a lot to know HOW to think in English and capture it on this post. I can see the change in my last Task composition, which talks about the sustainability and how we are taking care of our planet. I compared it with the Frankenstein Composition, which was really short and I wasn’t explaining all my own ideas. I have to accept that I learnt how to structure a composition in this post, but I wasn’t telling my own opinion.

I didn’t found really useful the podcasts, because I could repeat all the times what I wanted to say and I don’t think that gave me some kind of learning. I didn’t learn to speak with the good accent thanks to it, unless I only searched the recorded words in the online dictionary when I was doing the Oral Presentation, and it really helped me, unlike the podcast...

For these I didn’t like it really much podcasts, but unlike this I really love to make posts in the blog! Why I love it? I’m going to explain now...
When I was watching TV and I saw an impacting new I came to the computer and I posted what I was thinking about this new, I expressed myself... When I was really tired doing Maths in my home I stopped it for a few minutes and I thought about a new post... It helped me to take a break and relaxing from my stressed day... It was really helpful to learn and also to express my own ideas. I think these blog is really helpful for all the students, who are really stressed and it helps us to increase our marks...

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

We have almost learnt to respect our world…

If a person tells me that we respect our world and he gives me enough arguments and convinces me of that, I give him one million Dollars… I’m really sure that nobody can give me these arguments… Because there aren’t any arguments to support this sentence, and I also think that’s only a joke when a person tells you that we are respecting our world…
The mind of the people isn’t qualified to understand that THE LIFE is more important than THE MONEY. For these two causes revolve our minds and if I say you that more than the 50% of humans believe in the second, I give you the most powerful argument. Our society is all the day thinking in get money all the day because the same Consumption Society had convinced them to think this. All the day we are bombarded with advertising and consumer thoughts… We can’t realize that our life is going right!
I also have to add the most obvious; the society of consumption generates the Earth’s destruction, contamination, species extinction, and the saddest is that we are becoming more ignorant and egocentric. We don’t think about the polar bears that are becoming extinct for the polar thaw, we don’t remember that thousands of dolphins are dying for ingesting plastic bags… Who will do it for us? We are the problem!
Another view point to add is that the humanity is increasing constantly and it means that the problems are becoming extremely dangerous, for the other species and although for us! I know that people are made aware of these problems and there are lots of Organizations who fight against it, but IT ISN’T ENOUOGH!
Summarizing, I have to refuse the idea that “We have learnt to respect our world” and I also want to add that it isn’t enough to think about these problems and recycling, we have to fight against the big industries who contaminate our water, also we have to separate the rubbish and don’t drop it in the middle of the street, and lots of things like these… But it can’t be possible if we don’t start now!

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

New in Campus...

A: Hi! I'm Fio. What's your name?

B: Hello, Fio. My name's Ricky.

A: Hi Ricky. Are you a new student here?

B: Yes, I had my first lesson this morning. Are you a new student too?

A: No, I've been here for six months.

B: Six months. That's a long time.

A: It's not so long really. What class are you in? Intermediate or …?

B: Intermediate Three. And what about you?

A: I'm in Advanced One. Who's your teacher?

B: I can't remember her name, but she's got curly red hair.

A: Ah! Does she wear glasses?

B: Yes, I think so.

A: That's probably Sor Isabel.

B: Yes that's right. Do you know her? Is she your teacher too?

A: No. But she taught me last term. How long have you been here?

B: Only a week.

A: Wow, not long. Where do you live? With a family?

B: Well, I'm staying at the UDG at the moment. I'm looking for somewhere
more permanent. Do you know of any good places?

A: Yes. Actually my friend has a spare room in here apartment and she's
looking for a flatmate. Would you like her phone number?

B: That would be great! Thanks for your help. Can I buy you coffee?

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Oral Presentation Reflection...

About the presentation, I prepared a PowerPoint which helped me a lot to attract the listeners attantion. I think that having structured the topic a bit, helped me to explain it better. And an important resource which really helped me although it maybe seem of little importance was the bottle of water. When I speak I get really nervous and my mouth goes dry , a little drink help me a lot to be more fluent.

The body language which I used was a bit boring and also I wasn't having eye contact with the listeners. But, this time I had more experience and I tried to hold a good tone in my voice, to attract the listeners attantion.
I realized that the people is more attentive if you talk about problems which affect them and if you treat about topics which attract them. For this, I talked about the Nazism, the Homophobia... And also I used the image of a famous character from the TV show ¨"skins"...
I used a simple vocabulary because I wanted to explain all what I wanted and also I didn't use lots of linkers. It could have helped me much better...
The pronunciation wasn't really good but against that I was fluent apart from the small breaks.

I think that I should get an eight out of nine... : D

sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010


There's the video which contains my Oral Presentation about Prejudices:

Part 1:

Part 2:

The Prejudices
Good morning to everybody, I will talk you about the prejudices.
First of all I want to tell you that all of us, at one time or another, have some kind of prejudices.
We usually guide ourselves with prejudices to save thinking that all of us are humans and we have our own personalities, and all of us act different from others because we are INDIVIDUALS.
-         Could you tell me some kinds of Prejudices? (yes you can see it on the frontpage)
-What does it means? When you use a prejudice you are relating somebody or normally a group of people to some kind of behavior (good or bad) and in a kind of atmosphere.
To make it easier I will tell you two examples…
The first example is the typical persistent student that you think he is a closed person and he doesn’t move from his desktop, but then you realize that he goes out every weekend to parties and has great fun!
The second example… When you see a Heavy with his leather jacket and a strange looking character, then you think, BUUUUUUF! HE’S REALLY FREAK AND SURE HE’S STUPID! But Then you know more of him and he’s the nicest person that you ever meet and in some times his life view point can surprise you!
WE ARE WRONG!                                                                                                           
Yes, usually we have prejudices which we can’t appreciate and it makes us think bad things about anyone in our first impression.
That’s the biggest problem about meeting people and for this, we are becoming more ignorant about different points of view in life!
At the beginning of time, the animals never had problems like this. They thought only about: “ OH LOOK THIS ANIMAL, Is he dangerous? No? Ok, HE’S APPELING!”
But when the development started and the “humans” moved away, there started the differences…
The first act in History which we can define with Prejudice is the “SLAVERY”,
But I think that I can’t define Slavery like a prejudice when it was used in the Ancient Egypt, When the slaves were usually criminals or poor people…
But when the WHITE men which were living above the Equator line started to “ENSLAVE” the black people who were taken from their countries mainly in Africa, then we can state that were Prejudice acts…
Then, the second Prejudice which revolutionized all the world was the Nazism.
There had been big demonstrations about the prejudices which we have in ourselves and also the facilities which make us think things like “Racism? Yes, it’s a good way…”
The Nazism was based on exterminating the LOW RACES (that’s the biggest Prejudice that I’ve never heard! )
These low races were the Jewish, black people, and some kind of “races” which weren’t like the DREAM OF HITLER, which described they were the BEST RACE…
Hey guys, do you want to know what? Hitler was wrong! How I Know it? I have a clue which completes my demonstration…
Jesse Owens, a black man from South America won the Olympic Games… And Hitler was there, in the bleachers looking how a BLACK MAN was winning the first position in the Olympic Games…
You can laugh! Of course! But can you imagine his face?
That’s real that the prejudices are good in some times…
For example, if you close your eyes and imagine this situation: You are in the street, alone, at midnight and suddenly you see a black person who’s coming to you in a suspicious way. Sure lots of you will start running.
But do you know that’s the same if you find a white person in the same time and at the same street?
That’s the prejudice which makes us think that a person with a different skin can be good or evil depending on his physical appearance.
Another prejudice at present is the topic of Homosexuality.It was persecuted by Nazis in the  30’s.
Nowadays, the society think that the men usually have a women’ behavior and otherwise, women have man’ behavior.
What can we do against these prejudices?
Firstly, we have to have an open mind realizing that all the people are different and you should be friends with everyone, leaving aside where they are from, their sexual preferences or their believes.
Another thing to do against the prejudices is to be aware that all of us have different life aims which, and we can take help from other view points.

An Informal Letter...

Dear Kieron,

I live in Spain and there are lots of counties which are really interesting to visit but I’ll explain to you three of my favorite: the Catalan Counties (Valencia, Balearic Islands and Catalonia). The relation within these counties used to be very strong in the Middle Ages before the moors conquered Valencia and Balearic Islands. These counties have similarities in the language and the culture.

In Valencia there are lots of friendly parties for everybody. They are really developed and also there are really important places where they can celebrate important events known worldwide.

In the Balearic Islands, their inhabitants are the opposite from Valencia’s people. They are really calm people and they live in a relaxed atmosphere. They are really friendly and most of them live from the sea. If you dream with perfect beaches and relaxed holidays, this is the place you are looking for.

The way of celebrate traditions in Catalonia is a mixture of the last two counties. There are lots of impressive views and you can find mountain reviews and also sea views. There’s a mixture of these two cultures of which we can enjoy together with other traditions from the same county. There are also lots of local adventure activities like parachuting, human towers, “correfoc”…

I recommend you to visit all these counties but if I had to choose one of them, I would stay in Catalonia because there are lots of interesting places to visit, there are impressive landscape and views, which maybe they aren’t the best in the world but they are very varied and also lots of different cultures.

És possible que el vostre navegador no pugui visualitzar aquesta imatge. És possible que el vostre navegador no pugui visualitzar aquesta imatge. És possible que el vostre navegador no pugui visualitzar aquesta imatge. 

 Your friend Aleix                    

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

What's about our future?

The other day I saw a video which made me think a lot... It was about a 14 year old girl who was from Canada and she founded an Organization named Enviromental Children's Organization, and It was really incredible to see how she could silenc all the representatives in the UN with her words...
She had to work hard to get enough money for the transport to go to the UN parliament and tell them what she and her group of friends think about the acts from the politicians.
When she started to talk about topics like famine or poverty and the she compared herself with the children who were affected by it, she touched the heart of all the older people.

How incredible is that a girl at that age could speak and relize things like this, and then I also value the courage of this girl to talk to the whole world with these words and her facility to face all these problems, also accepting that she's not doing anything because the words that she's saying don't verify the real facts in life.
I think this girl could be a good president because she has all what a president needs: She manages to attract peoples attention, she talks about lots of interesting problems and topics, and the most important : She is really sure of what she is saying!
The topics that she chose are really problematic and they haven't got any remedies, for this, she state that nobody is helping to solve these problems and for this reason, the politicians should do something to stop problems like these.
She also talks about the promises which the parents make to their children and she stated many promises like: You never want for anything, You'll see fantastic things in this life, You'll live really happy and other things like these... she got to their hearts by telling them that they aren't keeping what was promised.

I have to remember that she is only a girl who is twelve years old, HOW SHE CAN BE more mature and responsible than an adult? She is  telling the truth to all the world and They can relize that she is realizing things which we could never think that a girl at this age can tell to all the world... That´s the most incredible of that...

Here I have the video in case that you want to see it and realize that you'll be silenced for six minutes which will make you think a lot about problems which affects all of us and we aren't doing anything to solve them... :

