domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

The last reflection...

Since 2009 I have made a change in my level of English and I’m sure that I went through an improvement which is reflected on my level of writing. I can realize that in my compositions: if I compare the first composition (1st) to the last composition (5th) I have learnt lots of linking words which helped me to make my writings easier to read. I also used some locutions which made easier add some related ideas on the text.

I think that my oral level of English had been improved because I could see it on my last Oral presentation which was about a topic which I was really interested. I realized that when I was really interested on my topic, I was explaining it with different intonation which helped me to attract the people’s attention, and it was really gratifying for me to know that they were understanding me. I can compare the first Oral presentation, which was really boring and the people only could understand my text for the images… In the last one I had experienced that people was interested on the explanation because the images attract their attention and they wanted to know what I was talking about…

The posts helped me a lot to abstract my ideas and what I think about things which turn over my mind and EXPRESS it on the paper, to structure my ideas on a composition and reflect what I think about things which I really feel and I learn lots of words which I have never seen, and also it help me a lot to know HOW to think in English and capture it on this post. I can see the change in my last Task composition, which talks about the sustainability and how we are taking care of our planet. I compared it with the Frankenstein Composition, which was really short and I wasn’t explaining all my own ideas. I have to accept that I learnt how to structure a composition in this post, but I wasn’t telling my own opinion.

I didn’t found really useful the podcasts, because I could repeat all the times what I wanted to say and I don’t think that gave me some kind of learning. I didn’t learn to speak with the good accent thanks to it, unless I only searched the recorded words in the online dictionary when I was doing the Oral Presentation, and it really helped me, unlike the podcast...

For these I didn’t like it really much podcasts, but unlike this I really love to make posts in the blog! Why I love it? I’m going to explain now...
When I was watching TV and I saw an impacting new I came to the computer and I posted what I was thinking about this new, I expressed myself... When I was really tired doing Maths in my home I stopped it for a few minutes and I thought about a new post... It helped me to take a break and relaxing from my stressed day... It was really helpful to learn and also to express my own ideas. I think these blog is really helpful for all the students, who are really stressed and it helps us to increase our marks...


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